How to Boost Your SEO Results by Fixing Outdated Content

Brand Design Agency Abu Dhabi

If your company has been around for more than a couple of years, chances are your website is hosting heaps of published content. Chances are much of that content no longer helps your audience and your brand due to it being outdated or irrelevant. In the event that your company is based in the Middle East and you are working in tandem with a brand design agency in Abu Dhabi, you will definitely want to confer with them and take action after reading this blog.

The question really is, does it hurt anything? According to the SEO experts in our brand design agency in London, the answer to this is YES! Old content can definitely have a negative impact on your content’s search rankings and visitors’ experience. One example of this might be that your published content may link to articles, research reports, or other useful web pages that may now be offline. Clicking on any of those links may lead to non functioning pages, which will in turn hurt your search performance, because Google frowns on it and real readers won’t appreciate them either.

Another thing to consider when it comes to old content is that the topics may no longer fit your current content or business strategy and you would be better off not having any of those turn up in a search.

Still, many brands out there are hesitant when it comes to deleting old content, but the results are often surprisingly positive. For instance, HubSpot deleted over 3000 outdated content pieces and in a matter of months, the company saw an improvement in its SEO results.

Here are a few direct steps put together by Aeron’s branding design agency in Riyadh that will help you fix outdated content and boost your search scores:

  1. Start with a content audit.
  2. Update and republish good but old content.
  3. Delete references to outdated stats in the content you’re keeping.
  4. Weave in new SEO keywords and links.

Wrap Up

Cleaning up old content and making it relevant to your target audience once again takes a bit of work and time, but it is well worth the effort. Getting rid of content that no longer works and updating what does can do wonders for your content marketing strategy.

It is a chance for you to improve organic traffic to your site without investing in fresh content, and you’ll better serve your audience’s needs. Try these strategies for yourself and see the results or contact our Branding Agency Dubai and we will be happy to assist you in boosting your search scores!


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